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Java Developer Path
This path is designed so it would help you as a Java Developer to explore the DDD, CQRS, and ES world, with a little digging deeper into Axon Framework and Axon Server.
Key takeaway
Know how to handle heavy load and large event streams
Throughout this path you will discover:
- Identify the essentials of managing multi-application processes, such as Bounded Contexts, Sagas, Deadlines, and testing techniques.
- Give examples of the mechanics of message handling within the Axon Framework.
- Explain Message Interceptors, Serialization, Upcasters, Units of Work, Parameter Resolvers, and Handler Enhancers.
- Explain the nuances of message routing and delivery using Axon Server. It delves into Location Transparency, message types, and how Axon Server leverages gRPC for efficient message routing and delivery.
- Clarify the importance of event storage and the value Axon Server brings as an Event Store.
- Describe the concept of an Event Store, the limitations of traditional storage systems, and how Axon Server's design allows for efficient event storage and distribution.
- Illustrate how Axon Server Enterprise Edition manages events in a cluster for developers working on large-scale applications.
- Describe the MessageMonitor interface, health indicators, message correlation, and tracing data.
- Provide insights into system behavior that are critical for maintaining system health.
- Indicate the knowledge to design, build, and maintain infrastructure for large, complex systems.
- Clarify Axon Server Clustering, and security controls, ensuring developers can ensure system resilience and agility.
Courses included
Java Developer Path
This path is designed so it would help you as a Java Developer to explore the DDD, CQRS, and ES world, with a little digging deeper into Axon Framework and Axon Server.