Book your 1:1 Session

1:1 learning support is here for you!

Unlock a deeper understanding with dedicated time from our expert instructors.

In this session, our experts are dedicated to helping you:

  • Personalize your experience
  • Break down complex lessons
  • Clarify confusing concepts
  • Deepen your understanding of course material
  • This isn't technical support – it's your personal pathway to grasping complex content and excelling in your studies.

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      Book Academy 1:1 Session  

Book an Expert Session

Milan Savic

Senior Software Engineer
Suggested Pathways
  • Java devs Track
  • Non-Java Devs
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50 € Free

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Book an Expert Session

Christian Vermorken

Solutions Architect
Suggested Pathways
  • Java devs Track
  • Non-Java Devs


50 € Free

Enjoy free access for a limited time

Book an Expert Session

Sara Pellegrini

Senior Developer - Axon Server
Suggested Pathways
  • Java devs Track
  • Non-Java Devs


50 € Free

Enjoy free access for a limited time

  This isn't technical support – it's your personal pathway to grasping complex content and excelling in your studies.

Academy 1:1 Sessions Benefits

Extra support aligned with your learning needs

Personalized attention

With 1-on-1 sessions, you can get the help you need, when you need it, without having to wait.
Simply on-demand answers.

Break down complex lessons

While you can definitely ask all your questions on the discussion tab within the course, you may need extra explanation through examples, or exercises.

Clarify confusing concepts

Sometimes terms are used interchangeably, and sometimes not. this is the place to make sure you understand it correctly, and that it is aligned with your goals.

Deepen your understanding of course material

Discuss the material in more detail, by answering questions, and providing feedback.

Get Help with Your Project

Reach out to us to book a meeting

If your questions are beyond academy courses and you need assistance with an Axon-based project you are working on, you can fill in the form and we shall reach out to you right away!

Request a Meeting 

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 Thank you for requesting a meeting!

One of our team members shall reach out to you shortly.